Mission Work in Tanzania

The Tri-Cities School of Preaching and Christian Development is one of the works of the Stoney Creek Church of Christ. The school’s primary goal is to train Gospel preachers.

A property became available in May of 2024 that had great potential for the school of preaching. The property was offered for $36,000 and included an exterior property wall for protection from wildlife, primarily elephants and a building for dorm and instructional space.

Through the efforts of Keith Hovis and Bill Haywood, the school began training young men to preach in Mosquito River, Tanzania via internet. The first class graduated in January of 2023, the 2nd class in 2024.

The property was purchased with the help of churches and individuals who support TCSOP’s work. The pictures show the property before and after. The people in Tanzania renovated the property, built beds, and planted vegetables that will feed students and the community.